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Neurodegeneration, Memory, Alzheimer's Disease

New math approach provides insight into memory formation

December 05, 2023

Western neuroscientists analyze timing of brain activity patterns in new study

Alzheimer's Disease, Imaging Methods, Cardiovascular Disease and Cognitive Function, Neurodegeneration

Meeting of the minds

November 22, 2023

Inaugural meeting for McGill-Western Initiative for Translational Neuroscience connected leaders from academia, private, public, and philanthropic ...

Parkinson's Disease

Seinfeld provides insight into how our brains understand and appreciate humour: Study

November 13, 2023

Neuroscientists studied participants watching classic TV series in fMRI scanner

Brain Trauma, Concussion, Mental Health, Pain

Olympic medalist shares mental health journey at BrainsCAN Research Impact Day

October 26, 2023

Jen Kish, one of Canada's best rugby players, explained the toll concussions had on her mental health during her keynote address at BrainsCAN ...

BrainsCAN Research Impact Day: an opportunity to recognize the diverse impacts of our research community

July 13, 2023

BrainsCAN Research Impact Day is an opportunity to recognize the diverse impacts that our research community produces, including social, economic, ...

Mental Health, Imaging Methods, Learning and Learning Disorders, Memory

Touchscreens and strawberry milkshakes: Investigators learn more about how our brain’s reward systems work

February 21, 2023

Using strawberry milkshakes, mouse models of disease, cutting-edge fibre optic technology, and touchscreens, researchers at Schulich School of ...

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