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Language and Speech, Neurodevelopment

Q&A with Marc Joanisse: Understanding Reading Disorders in Children

December 13, 2018

On October 22, Professor Marc Joanisse from the Department of Psychology at Western spoke at the London Central Library on the topic of reading ...

Alzheimer's Disease, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, Brain Trauma

Neuroscience grants promote teamwork

November 22, 2018

Two of the world’s most accomplished neuroscience centres – Western’s BrainsCAN and McGill’s Healthy Brains for Healthy ...


BrainsCAN Partners with World-Renowned Neuroscience Research Institution

October 25, 2018

A memorandum of understanding (MOU) between BrainsCAN, Western University’s neuroscience research initiative, and RIKEN Centre for Brain ...

Language and Speech, Stroke and Ischemic Brain Injury, Consciousness, Hearing and Auditory Perception

First Round of BrainsCAN's 2018 Accelerator Grants Announced

October 03, 2018

Cognitive disorders and disease affect people all over the world. To better understand and expand our knowledge of the brain, BrainsCAN is funding ...

Hearing and Auditory Perception

Why does being familiar with someone’s voice help us understand what they’re saying?

October 01, 2018

A new study from Western University’s BrainsCAN initiative shows that familiar voices are easier to understand even if a person ...

Imaging Methods

Western University contributes to the first open-source NHP imaging database

September 27, 2018

BrainsCAN-aligned researchers have collaborated with an international team of researchers to develop the world’s first open-source data sets ...

Alzheimer's Disease, Neurodegeneration

Shining a Spotlight on Alzheimer’s research for World Alzheimer’s Day

September 20, 2018

Every 3 seconds, someone in the world develops dementia. In Canada, 564,000 adults are currently living with dementia, and this number is expected ...

Memory, Learning and Learning Disorders

Q&A: Building BrainsCAN – A Discussion with Lisa Saksida and Ravi Menon

September 19, 2018

Dr. Lisa Saksida is BrainsCAN’s Co-Scientific Director, a Professor in Physiology and Pharmacology, Principal Investigator in the Brain and ...

BrainsCAN celebrates two years of impact

September 16, 2018

Two years ago, Western University received the largest research grant in its history. The 7-year, $66 million investment from the Canada First ...

Aging, Hearing and Auditory Perception

Study: ‘Sound’ differences between age groups

August 21, 2018

By exploring differences in the way younger and older adults respond to sounds, Western neuroscientists have found that our brains become more ...

Aging, Hearing and Auditory Perception

A new study shows that sound impacts you differently as you age

August 21, 2018


Learning and Learning Disorders, Neurodevelopment, Memory

Study: Brain game doesn’t offer brain gain

July 30, 2018

A new Western-led study has debunked claims that getting better at a brain-training game can translate to improved performance in other games and ...


RIKEN CBS Summer Program untangles the brain for BrainsCAN researchers

July 24, 2018

From July 9-13, Reichelt and Laidlaw were a joined by approximately forty-five early-career researchers from 13 countries to take part in the ...

Neurodegeneration, Alzheimer's Disease

New BrainsCAN study rules out major potential target for Alzheimer’s disease drugs

June 29, 2018

In a recent study from BrainsCAN, Western’s $66 million Canada First Research Excellence Fund program in cognitive neuroscience, Stefan ...


Grants back Western medical innovation efforts

June 29, 2018

Western’s efforts to support a brighter future for medical innovation in Canada got an exciting shot in the arm, thanks to a Burroughs ...


Special Canada Day dawns for neuroscientist

June 29, 2018

The sheer, glorious space of the country. Beaches in summer; snow sports in winter. The research opportunities and academic atmosphere. For years, ...


New facility opens its doors to come together

April 16, 2018

University officials celebrated the opening of the Western Interdisciplinary Research Building (WIRB) on April 13. The $47-million facility houses ...

Brain Trauma

After an accident that left her dead, a second life as an artist

April 13, 2018

Three of Vanderidder's paintings—Driving Home, White Out and Black Submarine—hang in the BrainsCAN department of Western ...


Grant looks to bring brain researchers closer together

April 12, 2018

The McGill-Western Collaboration Grant program supports neuroscience and neuro-informatics research from new and/or established collaborative ...

Brain Trauma, Consciousness

Artist’s work a reminder of work to be done

April 12, 2018

Vanderidder’s works will hang among Western’s BrainsCAN group, located on the sixth floor of the Western Interdisciplinary Research ...

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

Federal budget signals commitment to science

March 15, 2018

Western researchers are better positioned to undertake cutting-edge work, thanks to the largest investment ever in fundamental science research, ...

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

Women encouraged to pursue STEM careers, but many not staying

March 08, 2018

Lisa Saksida, a cognitive neuroscientist and the scientific director at Western University's BrainsCAN in London, Ont., recently spoke at the ...

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

STEM conference engages, empowers young women

March 07, 2018

Approximately 250 undergraduate students, researchers and volunteers attended the one-day conference, organized by the Western Women in ...


Federal budget makes huge investment in scientific research

March 03, 2018

Lisa Saksida, a professor and researcher at Western University, is confident that things are headed in the right direction. “The need for ...

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

Top scientists headline conference with goal of inspiring young women in STEM

February 27, 2018

IYWSTEM runs throughout the day until 5 p.m. in Western’s Great Hall and includes an industry fair, a STEM Graduate Program Expo and an ...


Minister of Science explores ‘amazing work’

January 10, 2018

Minister of Science Kirsty Duncan stopped by Western Tuesday to learn about what she calls the “amazing work” being done across the ...

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