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Alzheimer's Disease, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, Memory

Q&A: Lisa Saksida honoured as a powerful advocate for women in STEM

November 30, 2020

2020 has been a big year for Lisa Saksida, professor of physiology and pharmacology at Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry and BrainsCAN ...

Mental Health

New discoveries pave the way for eating disorder treatments

November 09, 2020

Anorexia is the mental illness with the highest mortality rate; 10 per cent of those affected will die, according to the National Eating Disorder ...

Alzheimer's Disease

BrainsCAN joins forces with a world-leading institute in dementia research

October 01, 2020

BrainsCAN is expanding its international collaboration once again by partnering with the UK Dementia Research Institute Ltd. (UK DRI), well-known ...

Alzheimer's Disease

Science unites researchers over 10,000 km apart during pandemic

September 28, 2020

A paper published today in Nature Methods by BrainsCAN-aligned researchers in collaboration with Miao Jing, Yulong Li and other neuroscientists at ...

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

BrainsCAN takes action to remove barriers with postdoctoral program special call

September 16, 2020

On June 5, BrainsCAN’s Executive and EDI Committees released a statement on anti-Black racism, indicating our commitment to an equitable and ...

Parkinson's Disease, Alzheimer's Disease, Memory, Learning and Learning Disorders

Royal Society celebrates Western scholars

September 08, 2020

For many Canadian scholars, being elected into the Royal Society of Canada is a crowning achievement of their careers. To neuroscientist Lisa ...

Aging, Diabetes and Cognitive Function, Pain

Gaps in medical device industry inspire innovative company

August 06, 2020

Four and half million Canadians and Americans use a walker to help their mobility, but unfortunately, falls while using one are not uncommon and ...

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

Nicole Kaniki and Bertha Garcia named special advisors on anti-racism

August 06, 2020

Dr. Nicole Kaniki and Dr. Bertha Garcia will help Western lay the foundation for a sustained strategy to combat racism on campus. Effective ...

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

Q&A with Alexandra Levine and Blake Butler: Proud to support Pride in research communities

June 29, 2020

BrainsCAN has emphasized equity and inclusion as a core objective to building a thriving and successful research enterprise. In the midst of a ...

Aging, Alzheimer's Disease, Memory, Mental Health

Study confirms new pathway for Alzheimer’s disease degeneration

June 29, 2020

A Western University study has confirmed a new pathway for Alzheimer’s disease degeneration. Published in the journal Brain, the study ...

Mental Health

BrainsCAN and Cardiff awarded the Sêr Cymru Strategic Partnership Accelerator Award

June 16, 2020

Western University’s BrainsCAN and the College for Biomedical and Life Sciences at Cardiff University have been awarded a Strategic ...

Memory, Mental Health, Aging, Alzheimer's Disease

BrainsCAN survey uncovers new insights into the quality of life of dementia care partners

June 10, 2020

A survey of Alzheimer Society clients in London and the surrounding area has uncovered new insights into the impact dementia has on care partners ...

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

BrainsCAN statement on acts of racism

June 05, 2020

The BrainsCAN initiative stands in solidarity with the Black community who are experiencing the hurt and painful reminders of their lived ...

Brain Trauma, Alzheimer's Disease, Memory

Amnesia and memory processing: Q&A with Dr. Stefan Köhler

June 04, 2020

Imagine suffering a traumatic brain injury that erases all memories of your personal past, or your ability to create new memories of your future. ...

Consciousness, Brain Trauma

Q&A with Dr. Adrian Owen: Understanding consciousness

June 01, 2020

Consciousness is fundamental to being human. It allows us to understand the world around us. In medicine, consciousness is typically tested by ...


BrainsCAN updates regarding COVID-19

May 21, 2020

Over the last two months, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused on-campus research to be put on hold, resulting in delays for BrainsCAN Accelerator ...

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

Postdoctoral Scholars join BrainsCAN Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee

May 12, 2020

In recent years, the call for increased equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) in research has grown. It’s become a priority for the ...

Concussion, Alzheimer's Disease, Parkinson's Disease, Neurodegeneration

BrainsCAN and the Florey combine expertise to tackle brain health

April 27, 2020

In an effort to better understand the brain, researchers at Western University’s BrainsCAN have teamed up with researchers from The Florey ...

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

BrainsCAN launches EDI survey in response to COVID-19

April 23, 2020

Over the last two months, the global COVID-19 pandemic has caused uncertainty and disruptions, resulting in difficulties for all. Unless ...

Mental Health, Mood, Emotion, and Social Behaviour

Pandemic forcing food to your emotional rescue

April 15, 2020

Feeling stressed? Find yourself reaching for the snack drawer or refrigerator? It’s not uncommon for people to grab a snack when ...

Mental Health, Mood, Emotion, and Social Behaviour

Isolation stress can test those with addictions

April 06, 2020

Across Canada, people who face addiction and mental health issues are coming to terms with a new reality – an uncertain future with a period ...

Memory, Hearing and Auditory Perception, Neurodevelopment, Mental Health, Aging, Stroke and Ischemic Brain Injury

Results Announcement: BrainsCAN Accelerator Internal Granting Program

March 26, 2020

The seventh round of BrainsCAN’s Accelerator Internal Granting Program results have been announced. Six, one-year projects were funded under ...

Hearing and Auditory Perception

Using technology to unlock the brain's mysteries

March 16, 2020

Attempting to solve the brain’s mysteries has been the focus of neuroscientists for centuries. Over the last 25 years, highly specialized ...

Neurodevelopment, Diabetes and Cognitive Function

Teen eating habits may contribute to adult obesity: New Western research

March 10, 2020

LONDON, ONT. -- The familiar expression is ‘you are what you eat,’ but new research out of Western University is putting a twist on ...


Adolescents prone to poor dietary choices, leading to changes in the brain

March 09, 2020

A new review paper from Western University has outlined how poor dietary choices in adolescence can lead to changes in the brain. Published March ...

Imaging Methods

International consortium outlines global vision for open-source NHP imaging database

March 06, 2020

In 2018, an international team of researchers, including Western University neuroscientists, Ravi Menon and Stefan Everling, developed the ...

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

BrainsCAN expands equity, diversity and inclusion initiatives with new role

March 06, 2020

BrainsCAN has been pioneering equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) initiatives since the development of the original Canada First Research ...

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion

Conference highlights diversity in STEM

February 10, 2020

“Math and coding were something I really avoided; I had a fear of it.” Kaitlyn Parks isn’t alone, but as Co-Chair of the ...

Memory, Alzheimer's Disease, Aging

Supporting care partners and those with dementia in the workplace

January 21, 2020

Imagine spending your career mastering your craft when suddenly, you begin to struggle with tasks that have always seemed simple. Dementia is a ...

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